Posidonia 2022

Greece is home to the world’s largest shipping community with more than 5,000 companies – including owners, managers and service providers – established or represented in Greece. At the Posidonia exhibition you have the chance to form new relations within a growing market. Join us at Pavilion of Denmark June 6-10 2022.


06.06.2022 - 10.06.2022


Greece, Athens, Metropolitan Expo Centre



  • Bawat A/S

  • DanCompliance ApS

  • Danish Export Association (Eksportforeningen)

  • Den-Jet Nordic A/S


  • Eltronic Fueltech A/S

  • Hempel A/S

  • Hempel Coatings (Hellas) S.A

  • MiWire Group ApS

  • Pureteq A/S

  • Vessel Performance Solutions ApS - VP Solutions

  • Wrist Marine Logistics


***sold out***

This event is subsidized by The Trade Council. See conditions and more information below.

New price is DKK 5.950,- /m2
+ coordination fee DKK 4.995,- per company

All prices are excl. VAT. Coordination fee will be invoiced upon registration.

Free cancellation before 1/3 2022, hereafter the booking is binding and the General terms of business for the Danish Export Association applies.

Inge Lis Nielsen Project Manager danish export
Project Manager Inge Lis Nielsen +45 6020 8555
Mie Jakobsen Head of Marine and Head of Cruise & Ferry danish export / dansk eksport
Head of Marine and Head of Cruise & Ferry Mie J. Jakobsen +45 2173 6336
***No available booths in Pavilion of Denmark*** 

Please contact mjj(@)danishexport.dk or inn(@)danishexport.dk if you are interested in participating in Posidonia 2022. 

Greece operates 20 percent of global and 50 percent of European shipping capacity

Greece operates 20 percent of global and 50 percent of European shipping capacity. Therefore, the market represents a multibillion-dollar opportunity to suppliers of marine equipment, information technology and other marine services.

Historically, the Greek Fleet has focused on the tanker and bulk carrier segment. Currently the Greek ship owners control a total of:

  • 27,76 percent of the world’s crude oil tanker-fleet
  • 12,53 percent of the world’s dry bulk carrier fleet
  • 15,94% of the world’s chemical and products tanker fleet.

In the past 7 years the fleet has increased by 90 million gross tonnage and grown with 74 percent, which makes up 23 percent of the total increase in the global fleet.

The second largest segment, accounting for 13 percent, is passenger and cargo which is mainly ships used to transport people and cargo between the many Greek islands.

Meet Greek Shipowners

At Posidonia you meet owners of the world’s largest merchant fleet. Their technical and operations managers are eager to investigate new equipment, technologies as well as financial and service offerings.

  • Mie Jakobsen (1)

    "Danish opportunities"

    "Greece is renewing its fleet and therefore represents a large market within both new buildings and retrofit. They want to be more efficient and comply with future legal requirements e.g. the emission control area and treatment of ballast water. Danish suppliers have the opportunity to supply new buildings, operation optimizations, retrofit and more."

    Mie Jakobsen, Head of Marine, Danish Export Association

Posidonia facts & figures

  • 2,009 exhibiting companies
  • 22 national pavilions
  • 23,527 visitors
  • 39,485 total attendance

Theodore Vokos, Managing Director, Posidonia Exhibitions, the event organiser, says: "We are ready for the great reset of the shipping industry. And we are delighted to witness such strong demand and feel the desire of the international maritime community, Posidonia has always been a popular destination to network with leaders of the industry, showcase the latest in maritime engineering and technologies, and engage in discussions that shape the international discourse on the sector's most important issues". 

Posidonia 2022 to chart new course - for Global Shipping Reset

The booming dry bulk and container markets, the decarbonisation debate, new technological challenges and how they reshape the industry, the initial impact of Covid-19 and the subsequent rebound from is, as well as the uncertainty og waht the future holds in a post-pandemic world, will be some of the topics to be addressed during the conference programme of Posidonia 2022.
Read the full 'Posidonia News, issue 01' here.

Posidonia 2020 (1)

Exhibit at Pavilion of Denmark and focus on your leads

When you exhibit at Pavilion of Denmark, we take care of all practicalities before, during and after the exhibition.

In other words: You only have to focus on creating and maintaining business relations.


  • Turnkey exhibition package (individual space excl. prints/graphics):
    DKK 5,950/sqm

    For example:
    21m2 booth DKK 124.950 excl. coordination fee
    14m2 booth DKK  83.300 excl. coordination fee

    Brochure stand / Info-booth (shared area):
    Includes 1 wall for your graphics, shared marketing and promotion activities, access to meeting table, basic catering, service and on-site assistance. Please contact us for more information.
    DKK 17.850 excl. coordination fee

    Coordination fee:
    DKK 9.990 per company. Mandatory for each participating company at your booth. Members of Marine 50 % discount.

    The coordination fee includes listing, basic profile in exhibitor catalogue & logo package.

    All above prices are in Danish Kroner, ex VAT, subject to min. 7 participants. Flight, hotel expenses, print costs and insurance are not included. Subsidy from The Trade Council is withdrawn from the prices above. 

This event is subsidised by The Trade Council. To participate with subsidy, your company must be eligible to receive subsidies based on the de-minimis-rules and regulations from the Trade Council.

The de minimis-enactment means that a company can receive public subsidies of maximum EUR 200,000 within a period of three financial years. To receive subsidies, companies must be registered with a Danish VAT-number and complete a business form.

Turnkey package

  • Building and dismantling of stand
  • Carpet, basic furniture, brochure rack
  • Lights and power consumption on your area
  • Internet (basic connection to check emails)
  • Cleaning - standard package
  • Included in marketing material for the Pavilion of Denmark
  • Registration in the official catalogue and admission cards
  • Side-event (e.g. networking set-up, reception, matchmaking)
  • Coffee, tea, beverages and snacks during the exhibition
  • Ad-hoc assistance during the exhibition

Brochure stand / Info-booth

  • Part of joint area, shared meeting area with other companies
  • A brochure stand is a relevant solution for companies without need of showcasing products
  • 1 exhibition wall for individual print or bring 1 roll-up
  • 1 brochure rack per company
  • We allocate the area and walls based on number of participating companies
  • This fits for 1-2 sales persons attending the exhibition. Access cards/exhibitor badges are included
  • This gives you a base for meetings and for inviting customers to visit 

Have questions?

  • Mie Jakobsen Head of Marine and Head of Cruise & Ferry danish export / dansk eksport

    Mie J. Jakobsen

    Head of Marine and Head of Cruise & Ferry
    +45 2173 6336 mjj@danishexport.dk
  • Mie J. Jakobsen

    Head of Marine and Head of Cruise & Ferry

    Mie er frontfigur for Marine- og Cruise & Ferry-netværkene. Med stor erfaring inden for eksport og rådgivning af virksomheder på både strategisk og praktisk niveau kan hun hjælpe dig videre, hvis du vil øge din virksomheds eksport.

    Mie har boet og arbejdet i Hamborg, inden hun blev projektleder hos Dansk-Tysk Handelskammer. Der arbejdede hun i seks år, hvor hun fik erfaring med en lang række brancher – blandt andet transport og logistik. Derudover har Mie rådgivet virksomheder i forbindelse med licitationer i FN-regi.

    Mie Jakobsen Head of Marine and Head of Cruise & Ferry danish export / dansk eksport
  • Inge Lis Nielsen Project Manager danish export

    Inge Lis Nielsen

    Project Manager
    +45 6020 8555 inn@danishexport.dk
  • Inge Lis Nielsen

    Project Manager

    Inge Lis jonglerer de praktiske bolde på Danish Exports internationale aktiviteter. Hun står for en stor del af både planlægning og medlemskontakt. Derfor er det Inge Lis, der sørger for, at det er nemt for din virksomhed at tage med os på messe.

    Inge Lis Nielsen Project Manager danish export