AGRITECHNICA is the ideal platform for presenting your products and concepts for the future of crop production. All leading companies in the sector present their products and innovations at the world's leading trade fair for agricultural machinery. Join Pavilion of Denmark on AGRITECHNICA 2023


12.11.2023 - 18.11.2023


Germany, Hannover, Messegelände Hannover

See map


DKK 3.000 per sqm plus coordination DKK 4.995 per company.

Prices are excl. VAT, flights and lodging, printing of your graphics and transportation of own goods.

This event is subsidized by The Trade Council.

Brian Boelt, Head of Other Industries Danish Export Association
Project Manager Energy Brian Boelt +45 4055 8721

AGRITECHNICA is the meeting place for decision-makers and the leading business marketplace.

All leading companies in the sector present their new products and innovations at the world's leading trade fair for agricultural machinery.

It is a showcase for the global agricultural engineering industry and a forum for the future of crop production.

Reasons to participate:

  • The world's leading trade fair for agricultural machinery with all market leaders at one location.
  • Global players, hidden champions and innovative inventors in 23 halls.
  • 2,803 exhibitors from 53 countries. 1,743 international exhibitors.
  • 446,871 visitors from 144 countries. 140,000 international visitors.
  • Exhibitors from around the world show solutions and visions for modern crop production.
  • Structuring in product groups guides visitors specifically to what interests them.
  • Meet people, develop contacts, network.


AT23 Fachgruppenplan EN
Hall plan of AGRITECHNICA 2023
AGRITECHNICA Guiding theme 2023 : Green Productivity
Fremstød. Messe Danish Export. Dansk eksport.

Why exhibit at Pavilion of Denmark?

Exhibiting with us, you benefit from:

Strong relationships between all Danish exhibitors: You become part of a unique atmosphere where we send customers towards one another. We share contacts, knowledge, upcoming projects, and experiences.

A prime location: Having a long lasting relationship with the exhibition organizer, we get the best location and great branding opportunities.

Visibility: Reception, matchmaking, delegation visits and more, strengthens our visibility and ensures that all industry key players stop by the pavilion.

Services throughout the exhibition: When being part of Pavilion of Denmark, you can concentrate on your customers only. Representatives from Danish Export are present at the entire show, and we always have coffee, snacks, and lunch ready for you. Should you have questions we have or will find the answer for you.

The project is supported by the Trade Council

This event is subsidised by The Trade Council. To participate with subsidy, your company must be eligible to receive subsidies based on the de-minimis-rules and regulations from the Trade Council.

The de minimis-enactment means that a company can receive public subsidies of maximum EUR 200,000 within a period of three financial years. To receive subsidies, companies must be registered with a Danish VAT-number and complete a business form.


  • Brian Boelt, Head of Other Industries Danish Export Association

    Brian Boelt

    Project Manager Energy
    +45 4055 8721
  • Brian Boelt

    Project Manager Energy

    Brian planlægger og projektleder Danish Exports mange internationale aktiviteter i tæt samspil med resten af kollegaerne. Du vil derfor møde Brian, når I deltager i vores eksportfremstødsaktiviteter.

    Brian er en netværker helt ind i knoglerne og har et stort servicegen. Du vil nyde godt af hans lange erfaring fra rejsebranchen, når du deltager på eksportfremstød. Brian har mere end 95 lande i rygsækken og giver dig gerne et par fif til at knække den kulturelle nød, når du træder ind på nye markeder.

    Brian Boelt, Head of Other Industries Danish Export Association