Water Talk #7 2024 - Water Supply for the Dairy, Brewery, and Food Industries

Check in with your network colleagues from Danish Export – Water Tech



13:00-14:00 CET




Exclusively for members of Danish Export and part of your membership

Klaus Lys Grå Baggrund Web 1
Head of Water Tech Klaus Kubstrup Kattenhøj +45 3117 3314
Kristina Strunge Nygaard Member Relations Coordinator danish export / dansk eksport
Project Consultant Kristina Strunge Nygaard +45 3171 0313

Efficient and Sustainable water supply for the Dairy, Brewery, and Food Industries 
In a world where water resources are crucial for both industry and sustainability, the efficient and sustainable water supply is paramount for the dairy, brewery, and food Industries, as these sectors heavily rely on water in various processes. Implementing responsible water management practices can enhance operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

Niclas Pörtner, Project Engineer, Project Planning and Sales Department from EnviroChemie GmbH & Peter Ølbye, Project Development and Sales from EnviroChemie Danmark will in this Water Talk give us their input on challenges in the treatment and reuse of wastewater streams in the F&B sector. Furthermore, they will show practical examples of water recycling concept for vapour condensates and finally give us insight into the "B-WaterSmart" research project: treatment of a vapour condensate to drinking water quality.


Water Talks – Learn from and challenge your network colleagues in the Water Tech Network
Water Talks is your opportunity to debate, knowledge-share, and learn from your network colleagues without having to start the car - simply sign up and log-on for a full hour of discussions and debate.

During 2024 Water Tech will host a series of online Water Talks where we will talk about hot topics in the water industry. Each Water Talk will centre around an interesting topic and start out with a 15 min opening talk from a thought leader. After the talk the floor is open for discussion and debate. A Water Talk session will have duration a of 45 to 60 minutes.

Calendar Invite
After registration you will receive a confirmation, that you have signed up for the Water Talk. The date and time for each session will be sent out as a calendar appointment in proper time before each meeting and will contain a link for the session.

Meet the Speakers
  • Niclas Pörtner

    Niclas Pörtner, Project Engineer, Project Planning and Sales Department, EnviroChemie GmbH

    Niclas has a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering and has since 2019 worked as a Project Engineer, Project Planning and Sales Department at EnviroChemie GmbH.

  • Peter Ølbye

    Peter Ølbye, Project Development and Sales, EnviroChemie Danmark

    Peter has since 2015 been involved in the Danish water treatment sector primarily within business development and export activities. He has also been responsible for the commercial part in the Danish – Chinese groundwater collaboration for 5 years and since 2022 representing EnviroWater Group in Denmark.

Before each Water Talk you will receive a meeting request with link and participant list.

  • Please log in 5 min. before the session for technical start-up and image-/sound testing.
  • Water Talks will be held through Teams with sound and image, so that we can see each other and have a productive dialogue.
  • Each Water Talk session is scheduled for 45-60 minutes incl. wrapping up.
  • Each session will include a short presentation from the speaker and the floor is afterwards yours to discuss the topic of the day.
  • The meeting is an informal platform for you to share knowledge or ask your network colleagues questions related to a specified topic.