Food Tech Webinar on Market Opportunities in the USA 2024



15:30 - 16:15


Teams (Webinar-link deles ved tilmelding)


Deltagelse er gratis for alle.

Head of Food Tech Sandra Ladefoged +45 2478 1292
Lixia Duan Project Consultant dansih export / danish eksport
Project Consultant Lixia Duan +45 6020 8565

Vi inviterer dig til at deltage i et webinar med fokus på den amerikanske fødevareindustri og eksportpotentiale til Nord Amerika. I samarbejde med Sustainable Industry Alliance (SIA) arrangerer Danish Export - Food Tech et markedsbesøg til USA d. 3.-6. juni. På webinaret vil vi komme ind på, hvorfor det kunne være aktuelt for dig og din virksomhed at deltage på markedsbesøget samt kigge på eksportmulighederne til USA i mejeri- og bryggerindustrien.

Eksportpotentiale til den amerikanske fødevareindustri

USA rangerer blandt verdens største eksportører af mejeriprodukter, og efterspørgslen efter kvalitetsprodukter i denne sektor vokser, og dansk ekspertise inden for mejeriteknologi og -produktion kan levere innovative løsninger. Samtidig gennemgår USA's bryggeriindustri en konstant udvikling og søger efter teknologiske løsninger for at forbedre effektiviteten og produktkvaliteten.


  • Velkommen
    v/ Sandra Ladefoged, Head of Danish Export - Food Tech

  • Intro til SIA eksport program til Nord Amerika 
    v/ Mads Kjær, Commercial Advisor, Sustainable Industry Alliance i USA

  • Muligheder i nyt strategisk partnerskab 
    v/ Mads Kjær, Commercial Advisor, Sustainable Industry Alliance i USA
  • Markedsperspektiver og eksportmuligheder for dansk teknologi i den amerikanske mejeri- og bryggeri industri
    v/ Josh Long, President & CEO, E4E Solutions, LLC
  • Spørgsmål / svar

  • Afslutning og Næste skridt

  • Jacob Dransfeldt

    Jacob Outzen Dransfeldt, Technical Advisor at the Consulate General of Denmark i USA

    Jacob Dransfeldt is the Sr. Technical Advisor at the Consulate General of Denmark and has more than 20 years of experience from the Danish process industry. Jacob has broad knowledge on energy efficiency, water savings, and industrial process optimization and has managed several small and large-scale projects within the Danish food & beverage process industry. Jacob uses his analytical and practical experience from projects in Denmark and Europe to support Californian food & beverage processors in the effort of energy and water optimization, especially within the dairy processing industry.

  • Jens Bramsen

    Mads Kjær, Commercial Advisor, Sustainable Industry Alliance i USA

    Mads Kjær is the Commercial Advisor, specializing in U.S. Energy Efficiency with a unique focus on Danish solutions. Mads role revolves around developing export opportunities for Danish companies, mapping and managing key stakeholders within the U.S., planning events, workshops, and delegations to and from Denmark. Mads is also responsible for market research, development, and presentation of North American market entry strategies, business development plans, and market intelligence for the benefit of Danish partners. Mads actively engage in collaborative discussions with diverse stakeholders, functioning as a crucial link between U.S. customers and Danish companies.

  • Josh's Headshot

    Josh Long, President & CEO, E4E Solutions, LLC

    Josh is the Founder, President, and CEO of E4E Solutions, LLC; a US based Decarbonization Consultancy & Design-Build Firm focused primarily in the Manufacturing sector. E4E Solutions, founded in 2007, works throughout North America providing cost and carbon saving solutions for systems such as, Cogeneration, Compressed Air, Industrial Refrigeration, Chiller Plants, HVAC, Building Automation, Boiler Plants, Steam Systems, Pumping & Fan systems, Lighting, and various production processes. Josh obtained his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineer from Drexel University in Philadelphia, and his master’s in mechanical engineering & MBA from Georgia Tech in Atlanta. He has designed and executed over US$300M of sustainability capital projects across many different utility systems and industrial verticals. Josh currently lives in Atlanta with his wife and 2 kids (ages 12 & 15).